Advancements Magazine

Advancements magazine is a twice-a-year publication for donors and friends of the Missouri State University Foundation. It tells the stories of how private giving supports and transforms Missouri State.

2024 Spring Advancments
The Missouri State University Office of Advancement team is moving! Our new building will give you a “living room” on campus. It will be your place to come home and celebrate being a Bear at every stage, from student to alumni to donor and friend.
Cover of the Fall 2023 Advancements magazine
Hotel Nikko’s Manager In Training program, set up by alumna Anna Marie Presutti for MSU students, offers a scholarship, job shadowing and housing at the luxury property in San Francisco. Students are offered a job at the end of the program. It’s a transformative experience for the Bears who participate. Learn more about this amazing program and find out all about what's new at MSU.
Spring 2023 Advancements Magazine cover
Foundation scholarships help student entrepreneurs reach their dreams. Caitlin Jedlicka loves to capture images of cattle. Brandon Stockstill sells smoothies, acai bowls and more. Both received scholarships that helped them build businesses while completing their studies. Read stories like Caitlin's, Brandon's and more in the Spring 2023 edition of Advancements Magazine.
2022 Winter Advancements Magazine
You have our enduring gratitude for allowing us to successfully conclude Onward, Upward: The Campaign for Missouri State. See the Winter 2022 edition of Advancements Magazine for all the campaign details.
Spring 2022 Advancements magazine cover

More resources. More services. More fun, camaraderie and Missouri State pride. We offer even more engagement to Bears when you support University Programs. Being a Bear doesn’t end at the classroom door. We give students a full, rewarding experience. You can help us as we expand our programs in important, student-centered ways.

Discover in our Spring 2022 Advancements magazine the programs you help deliver through program support.

Fall 2021 Advancements Magazine
You are helping Missouri State University build a DESTINATION CAMPUS. New and renovated facilities accelerate our progress in ONWARD, UPWARD: The Campaign for Missouri State and ready our campus to meet the needs of tomorrow’s Bears. Read the 2021 Fall Advancements Magazine for what is making Missouri State a destination campus.
Spring 2021
The Missouri State University Foundation celebrated 40 years on January 13, 2021. In the Spring 2021 Advancements Magazine, find out what makes 40 look good on us... hint, it's you!
Fall 2020 Advancements Magazine
A new name for a college. The largest scholarship gift in university history. A game-changing elevation of the arts on campus.
All because of a Missouri State University love story. Find out more about the transformative gift that named what is now called the Judith Enyeart Reynolds College of Arts and Humanities in the Fall 2020 Advancements issue.
Spring 2020 Advancements
You are helping us lift Missouri State ONWARD, UPWARD. Learn was new since the launch of our biggest fundraising campaign ever — including a gift that will greatly expand agriculture education — in the Spring 2020 issue.